Workshop on “Entanglement Scaling and Criticality with Tensor Networks”

The description of critical phenomena in terms of the renormalization group forms the cornerstone of our modern understanding of strongly-correlated systems. It leads to effective Hamiltonians that can be studied using numerical methods such as Monte Carlo, and the success of those methods relies heavily on scaling ideas for the interpretation of the data. Based […]

Optimal checkpoint strategies

Surveillance systems are critical for biological systems. Cellular self-replication is monitored by checkpoints, which arrest cells when errors are detected. However, checkpoints are hardly explored quantitatively. We were interested in checkpoint override, the phenomenon that checkpoints ‘give up’ or ‘override’ when cells are faced with persistent errors. We sought to find patterns to checkpoints override, […]

Modern Trends in Combinatorial Optimization

Combinatorial Optimization deals with discrete optimization problems that are defined on combinatorial structures such as graphs, networks, or discrete sets in geometric arrangements. Motivated by diverse practical problem setups, the topic has developed into a rich discipline at the intersection of mathematics and theoretical computer science. The area is deeply rooted in other fields such as […]

Postdoctoral workshop on “Foliations in Algebraic and Birational Geometry”

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on holomorphic foliations and birational geometry. There will be two mini-courses on recent advances in foliation theory and research talks by leading experts in the fields. For more information, consult the list of speakers and the schedule. Dates and Venue: September 5-9, 2022 at […]

Postdoctoral workshop on “Variational Learning of Quantum Matter”

Mini-conference at the intersection between classical and quantum variational algorithms to study quantum many-body systems. 5 days of focused talks and discussions among the 50 participants on a large terrace with boards and a beautiful view of the Geneva Lake. We will cover fundamental problems such as embedding symmetries and representational power of variational states, (higher-order) optimization techniques and […]

Workshop & summer school on “Modern trends in Combinatorial Optimization”

Combinatorial Optimization deals with discrete optimization problems that are defined on combinatorial structures such as graphs, networks, or discrete sets in geometric arrangements. Motivated by diverse practical problem setups, the topic has developed into a rich discipline at the intersection of mathematics and theoretical computer science. The area is deeply rooted in other fields such as […]

Workshop on Stochastic Dynamics and Stochastic Equations

The workshop is part of the  Bernoulli Center program at EPFL, to be held  March 25 (Monday) -March 27 (Wednesday), 2024.  The focus will be on SDEs, SPDEs, stochastic dynamics of stochastic equations, and related topics. It will start on Monday morning and conclude on Wednesday afternoon. To participate, please register on Google form. Kindly note that registration […]

Summer School on Stochastic Analysis

The aim is to bring young Stochastic Analysts together in a stimulating environment. There will be also some talks in addition to mini-courses. Each talk is aimed at explaining either one concept / technique or outlining future directions. We shall leave plenty of time for discussions, the participants can also arranged spontaneous talks. Venue: The […]

Descriptive set theory and Polish groups

Descriptive set theory is classically defined as the study of definable (e.g. Borel, analytic) sets in Polish spaces — separable, completely metrizable spaces. It has long thrived in its connections with classical areas of mathematics such as harmonic and functional analysis and logic (set theory and computability theory in particular). Over the course of the […]

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