Young researchers in deterministic and probabilistic dispersive equations

The workshop aims at bringing together early career researcher in order to foster the communication and collaboration of researchers across a broad spectrum in the field of dispersive PDEs. Video Recordings : Monday 7 Nicolas Camps James Coe Yvonne Alama Bronsard Ambre Chabert Matthias Ostermann Tuesday 8 Ruoyuan Liu Leonardo Tolomeo Wednesday 9 C. Collot Maria […]
External Program 3: Synergies of combinatorics and theoretical computer science

August 19 – September 13 Recently, there have been several breakthroughs on long-standing open problems in combinatorics and theoretical computer science, resulting from such synergistic connections between these two areas. This month-long program is focusing on the connections and unifying themes between combinatorics and theoretical computer science. It includes a one-week workshop with leading experts […]
AI: reasoning and mathematics

Major progress is taking place in AI, particularly in text, image, audio processing. What about more complex reasoning tasks? Are current methods also breaking barriers in logic and mathematics? The even will cover recent results and developments on these topics.
Workshop Combinatorial Geometry and Number Theory

Combinatorial geometry is the study of extremal problems about finite arrangements of points, lines, circles, etc. Many questions have a strong intuitive appeal and can be explained to a layman. For instance, how many unit balls can be packed into a large box of a fixed volume? What is the maximum number of incidences between […]
External Program 2: New developments and challenges in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

10 June – 16 August 2024 “New developments and challenges in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations“ is a Bernoulli Center Program aiming to bring together researchers in stochastic analysis working on different topics and with different tools but under the common denominator of the study of SPDEs. As part of the meeting, there will be 3 workshops […]
Probability in conformal field theory

A 2 week interdisciplinary workshop addressing 2-dimensional conformal field theory using probabilistic methods. We aim to provide a collaborative environment and to foster informal discussions and dialogue between different communities. The program will include 7 mini-courses and several related talks. The particular focus will be on Minimal models, Imaginary Liouville theory, Loop models and SLE/CLE, […]
External Program 1: Generation, evolution, and observations of cosmological magnetic fields

29 April – 07 June 2024 Generation, evolution, and observations of cosmological magnetic fields is a 6 week program at the Bernoulli Center with the objective to combine experts and young researchers in different areas related to cosmological magnetic fields. Website : The program is divided in three 2-week meetings. The first week of […]
Arithmetic Statistics in Automorphic Forms and Analytic Number Theory

This workshop is meant as an opportunity for community building and fostering collaborations between early career researchers (up to Post Doc) in the field of analytic number theory and automorphic forms. Participants are strongly encouraged to give a talk. Format: The workshop will take place over five days. Every day there will be one plenary talk given […]
Dynamical low-rank approximation: New horizons

We are glad to announce a workshop dedicated to the research field of dynamical low-rank approximation. The present event aims at establishing and strengthening communication across international and interdisciplinary boundaries, to connect applied and theoretical researchers, and to communicate newly developed methods as well as requirements that arise in applications from different areas. The workshop […]
Structure preserving numerical methods for partial differential equations

The workshop will bring together leading experts and junior researchers on structure-preserving numerical methods for partial differential equations. Topics of discussion will include: discrete de Rham complexes over manifolds rigorous a priori and a posteriori error analysis conservation laws in time applications in electromagnetism, elasticity, and relativity Keynote speakers: Douglas Arnold (University of Minnesota) Annalisa […]