Representations, Moduli and Duality

The programme consists of 5 weeks of research collaborations with one week-long school, one week-long conference and one workshop. More information on this programme will be published shortly. The CIMPA and the Bernoulli Center collaborate to fund the participation of young researchers, including doctoral students and those who have completed their doctorate within […]
Summer School on Additive Combinatorics, Number Theory and Ergodic Theory

This workshop is part of the Bernoulli Center programme at EPFL, to be held from 14 to 18 July 2025. In the past few years, there has been significant progress related to several major open problems in additive combinatorics and number theory, such as quantitative aspects of Szemerédi’s theorem and its multidimensional and polynomial variants, […]
Detection and Emergence of Complexity: ALIFE Perspectives

This workshop is part of the Bernoulli Center programme at EPFL, to be held from 26 to 28 May 2025. An abundance of systems has been studied as potential models of artificial life: from classical discrete cellular automata, to their randomized versions such as random Boolean networks, continuous systems including neural CAs or Lenia systems, […]
New trends and applications around generalized Fokker-Planck operators

New trends and applications around generalized Fokker-Planck operators This 4-weeks scientific program will be oriented around four related topics: 1. Hypoellipticity and various pseudodifferential methods 2. Hodge type Laplacians and their hypoelliptic deformations 3. Analysis of stochastic processes and applications to molecular dynamics and numerical methods 4. Accurate spectral analysis of (non) self-adjoint, (hypo)elliptic operators. […]
Lausanne Event on Machine Learning and Neural Network Theory

This workshop is part of the Bernoulli Center programme at EPFL, to be held from 12 to 16 May 2025. Neural networks, and deep learning in particular, have had unprecedented success across many domains in science, technology, and computing, leading to immense societal, commercial, and scientific impact. However, unlike classical domains of computer science, our […]
p-adic and Characteristic p Methods in Algebraic Geometry

In light of the many interdisciplinary connections between algebraic geometry, singularity theory, commutative algebra and p-adic methods, the goal of this programme is to foster discussions and collaborations between experts from birational geometry and commutative algebra (among them, the members of the CAG), as well as experts in perfectoid and prismatic techniques. It will also […]
Probability and Mathematical Physics. Walks, Spins, Loops, Fields

This workshop is part of the Bernoulli Center programme at EPFL, to be held from 19 to 23 May 2025. In will focus on exploring probabilistic methods in the study of classical and quantum spin systems and field theories. In particular, the focus will be on the following themes: Random walk and loop soup representations […]
Arithmetic geometry of K3 surfaces

The aim of this programme is to break new ground in the arithmetic theory of K3 surfaces and closely related varieties (e.g., Enriques and elliptic surfaces; hyper-Kähler varieties), capitalising on a web of recent advances and conjectural frameworks. Progress on the arithmetic of K3 surfaces will likely have important consequences for more general questions about […]
Quantum Chaos

While the concept of chaos is well-established for classical interacting systems, a quantum mechanical formulation of chaos has yet to attain a comparable level of maturity. On one hand, classical notions like the butterfly effect need to be reimagined to accommodate the absence of phase-space trajectories and the inherent linearity of quantum dynamics. On the […]
Duality, Geometry, Physics

This one-week workshop aims to foster exchange of ideas between mathematicians working on various duality phenomena inspired by mathematical physics, as well as to bring together world experts and aspiring young researchers working in these area(s).