External programs

External programs 2024

External Program 1: Generation, evolution, and observations of cosmological magnetic fields

29 April – 07 June 2024

Generation, evolution, and observations of cosmological magnetic fields is a 6 week program at the Bernoulli Center with the objective to combine experts and young researchers in different areas related to cosmological magnetic fields.

Website : https://indico.cern.ch/event/1334236/

The program is divided in three 2-week meetings. The first week of each meeting consists on a workshop with plenary and contributed talks, and the second week of each meeting consists on open discussions and free time for the participants to discuss or work on collaborative or their own projects.

The Bernoulli center, located at the EPFL campus in Lausanne, provides open shared desk space for accepted participants.

Observations of gamma-ray blazars indicate the presence of intergalactic magnetic fields (IGMF) in the cosmic voids of the large scale structure (LSS) of our current observable Universe. Although their origin is still an open problem, they are possibly relics from the early Universe. New-generation gamma-ray and radio observatories, like the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory and the Square Kilometer Array Observatory, respectively, are expected to provide us with detailed measurements of IGMF in different elements of the LSS, including voids and filaments, and clarify the origin of the IGMF in voids.

The main objective of the program is to provide a comprehensive description of cosmological magnetic fields, from the different proposed mechanisms of magnetic field production in the early Universe (first meeting of the program) to their current and future observational probes (third meeting of the program), including BBN, CMB, and the LSS. The program will also review the prospects of combining astrophysical observations with the possible detection of a stochastic gravitational wave background to study primordial magnetic fields in a multi-messenger approach. The evolution of cosmological magnetic fields from their time of generation until the present time is the topic of the second meeting of the program.

External Program 2: New developments and challenges in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

10 June – 16 August 2024

New developments and challenges in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations is a Bernoulli Center Program aiming to bring together researchers in stochastic analysis working on different topics and with different tools but under the common denominator of the study of SPDEs. As part of the meeting, there will be 3 workshops involving minicourses and research talks.

The recordings of Workshop 1 are available here:

Jacob Bedrossian
Lorenzo Zambotti – Talk 1
Funaki Tadahisa
Lorenzo Zambotti – Talk 2

Mark Veraar
Nimit Rana

Alexei Mailybaev
Giuseppe Cannizzaro

Francesco Russo

Xue-Mei Li
Lucio Galeati

 The recordings of Workshop 2 are available here:

Monday 22 July 

Maurelli 1
Shen 1
Zygouras 1

Tuesday 23 July

Otto 1
Zygouras 2 
Otto 2

Wednesday 24 July

Shen 2
Otto 3
R.Zhu & T. Oh

Thursday 25 July

Shen 3
Maurelli 2
Cerrai & Peszat
X. Zhu

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/spde-bernoulli



External Program 3: Synergies of combinatorics and theoretical computer science

August 19 – September 13

Recently, there have been several breakthroughs on long-standing open problems in combinatorics and theoretical computer science, resulting from such synergistic connections between these two areas. This month-long program is focusing on the connections and unifying themes between combinatorics and theoretical computer science. It includes a one-week workshop with leading experts from both areas, a one-week summer school for graduate students and post-docs as well as the possibility of long-term research stays for the entire one-month program.

Website : https://bernoulli.epfl.ch/comb2024/

Call for Research Programs 2025


The Bernoulli Center calls for research program proposals in the areas of mathematics, theoretical physics, and/or theoretical computer science. The deadline for proposal submissions is June 16, 2024 and the period covered by the call is May to December 2025. 

Proposals should include the following information:

  1. Program name
  2. Names, short CV’s, and email addresses of organisers
  3. Duration of the program and preferred dates
    Programs can range from four to nine weeks in duration. Please do indicate your preferences regarding dates, but try to be as flexible as possible.
  4. Scientific program
    Give a detailed description of the proposed program, including an overview of the topic area, recent achievements, future research directions, timeliness of the proposal, relation to programmes held at other research institutes, etc. This should include a summary that is accessible to research mathematicians working in a completely unrelated field, as well as a more detailed (up to three pages) part accessible to experts working in adjacent areas.
  5. Program structure
    This should include a description of the planned activities like workshops (including number of participants and durations), weekly seminars, public lectures, minicourses, etc. We encourage you to contact colleagues working in your area at EPFL to explore the possibility of offering PhD level courses that can be counted for credit by EPFL students.
  6. Potential participants
    The list of potential participants should be about 15-25% longer than the proposed size of the program to account for cancellations. Ideally, potential long-term participants will already have been contacted for a tentative agreement. The center will provide shared office space for up to 10 researchers, with additional modular space available for discussions or shared desk space, and it can accommodate workshops / seminars with about 50 participants.
  7. Budget in CHF
    Please do include a detailed budget with your proposal. A guideline budget ranges from around CHF 80k for a four weeks programme to around CHF 140k for a nine weeks programme. Participants will be encouraged to use their own travel funds when possible.
Note: The SwissMap research station at Les Diablerets is located nearby and, depending on availabilities, can also be used to organise a workshop / retreat during a Bernoulli research programme.

Please send your proposal to Martin Hairer (martin.hairer@epfl.ch ) for consideration.

The long-term research programs will start once the center expansions / renovations are completed.