Youth at Bernoulli

Youth at Bernoulli

The Bernoulli Center for Fundamental Studies is launching a new program in collaboration with the Associate Vice-Presidency for Student Affairs and Outreach, the School of Basic Sciences and School of Computer and Communication Sciences, to promote fundamental sciences at an early stage with emphasis on the development of mathematical skills.

Discover our activities

Bernoulli Competition

The Bernoulli Center for Fundamental Studies is launching a new maths competition for undergraduate students in Switzerland. The competition will be first open to EPFL and neighboring institutions, due to logistic constraints, and it will then expand to a broader set of universities. The goal of the competition is to promote the development of mathematical and problem solving skills in a fun environment, where students from different disciplines and areas of Switzerland can interact among themselves and with the researchers of the Bernoulli Center. The competition will also help selecting EPFL teams for other mathematical competitions. 


High-school classes

The Bernoulli Center for Fundamental Studies is hosting classes for Swiss high-school students in collaboration with the Associate Vice-Presidency for Student Affairs and Outreach, the School of Basic Sciences and School of Computer and Communication Sciences. This concerns the “Euler Course” (  ), a new “Turing Course” under development between the Bernoulli Center and the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, and a physics course. The center provides a stimulating environment for students to learn about the new material next to the advanced scientific programs run by renowned scientific visitors, with special guest lectures given by some of our visitors to the students.