Spring School on Transfer Operators (Classical and Modern Techniques)

22 – 26 March 2021

Part of the Semester : Dynamics, Transfer Operators, and Spectra

08:00 – 17:00
Room : GA 3 21


Wael Bahsoun, Loughborough University
Viviane Baladi, CNRS and Sorbonne University


This school will provide courses from experts on several aspects of the spectrum of transfer operators. Special attention will be provided to the theory of anisotropic spaces, and to applications in geometrical or physical settings.

The target audience includes PhD students and young postdocs.


► Lecturer: Mark Demers
Course structure: 6 lectures, 50 minutes
Title: Anisotropic Banach Spaces and Thermodynamic Formalism for Dispersing Billiard Maps.

Abstract: Mathematical billiards with dispersing boundaries comprise a physically interesting class of hyperbolic systems with singularities. Starting from some toy models of hyperbolic maps, we will build up a set of tools (Banach spaces and transfer operators) that we shall use to analyze the statistical properties of these systems. This framework will allow us to present recent progress in the theory of equilibrium states and topological pressure in the context of dispersing billiards, including the existence and uniqueness of a measure of maximal entropy.


► Lecturer: Semyon Dyatlov
Tutor: Malo Jézéquel
Course structure: 4 lectures, 55 minutes + 2 tutorials, 40 minutes
Title: Fractal uncertainty principle and spectral gaps.

Abstract: This minicourse describes the spectral gap problem for convex co-compact hyperbolic surfaces and the approach to it which uses the fractal uncertainty principle, a recently developed tool in harmonic analysis. Roughly speaking, the combinatorial and harmonic-analytic properties of the limit set of the surface make it possible to prove statements such as exponential remainders in the Prime Orbit Theorem or exponential local energy decay for the wave equation. Here are some of the topics that will be covered:

  • Convex co-compact hyperbolic surfaces and their Schottky representations. Schottky limit sets and Patterson-Sullivan measure. Transfer operators.
  • The spectral gap problem, a brief overview of its applications, and known results.
  • Fractal uncertainty principles, a brief overview of the three known approaches.
  • A proof that fractal uncertainty principle gives a spectral gap using transfer operators (following Dyatlov-Zworski 2017).
  • A proof of the fractal uncertainty principle for the special case of arithmetic Cantor sets, done using each of the three approaches.


► Lecturer: Sébastien Gouézel
Course structure: 6 lectures, 50 minutes
Title: Ruelle resonances for geodesic flow on noncompact manifolds.

Abstract: Ruelle resonances are complex numbers describing the fine asymptotic properties of the correlations of smooth functions under a given flow. We will survey different situations in which one can make sense of this notion, starting with the simplest situation of expanding semi flows, and adding progressively technical tools, to be able in the end to cover more complicated flows of geometric origin, such as the geodesic flow on compact or noncompact negatively curved manifolds.


► Lecturer: Masato Tsujii
Course structure: 6 lectures, 50 minutes
Title: 3-dimensional Anosov flows.

Abstract: In this mini-course, I am going to discuss mainly about local geometric structure of the(strong) stable and unstable lamination of smooth Anosov flows, particularly in the lowest dimensional case, that is, in dimension 3. We will also explain how that structure leads to (exponential) mixing property of the flow, using a simplified model of the U(1)-extensions of Anosov diffeomorphisms. The content will be based on my joint work with Zhiyuan Zhang.


This project has also received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 787304).

Monday 22 March
10:10-11:00 Masato Tsujii ( Slides )
3-dimensional Anosov flows – Session I
11:10-12:00 Sébastien Gouézel ( Slides )
Ruelle resonances for geodesic flow on noncompact manifolds – Session I
12:00-14:00 Break
14:00-14:50 Sébastien Gouézel ( Slides )
Session II
15:00-15:55 Semyon Dyatlov ( Slides –  Exercice)
Fractal uncertainty principle and spectral gaps – Session I
16:10-17:00 Mark Demers ( Slides )
Anisotropic Banach Spaces and Thermodynamic Formalism for Dispersing Billiard Maps – Session I


Tuesday 23 March
10:10-11:00 Masato Tsujii ( Slides )
Session II
11:10-12:00 Masato Tsujii ( Slides )
Session III
12:00-14:00 Break
14:00-14:50 Sébastien Gouézel ( Slides )
Session III
15:00-15:55 Semyon Dyatlov ( Slides )
Session II
16:10-17:00 Mark Demers ( Slides )
Session II


Wednesday 24 March
10:10-11:00 Masato Tsujii ( Slides )
Session IV
11:10-12:00 Sébastien Gouézel ( Slides )
Session IV
12:00-14:00 Break
14:00-14:50 Mark Demers ( Slides )
Session III
15:00-15:55 Mark Demers ( Slides )
Session IV
16:00-16:40 Malo Jézéquel ( Slides )
Session I


Thursday 25 March
10:10-11:00 Masato Tsujii ( Slides )
Session V
11:10-12:00 Sébastien Gouézel ( Slides + Notes )
Session V
12:00-14:00 Break
14:00-14:55 Semyon Dyatlov ( Slides )
Session III
15:05-16:00 Semyon Dyatlov ( Solutions )
Session IV
16:10-17:00 Mark Demers ( Slides  )
Session V
17:15-18:15 Bernoulli Lecture ( Slides )
Internal waves and homeomorphism of the circle
Professor Maciej Zworski
University of California, Berkeley


Friday 26 March
10:10-11:00 Masato Tsujii ( Slides )
Session VI
11:10-12:00 Sébastien Gouézel  ( Slides )
Session VI
12:00-14:00 Break
14:00-14:40 Malo Jézéquel  ( Slides )
Session II
14:50-15:40 Mark Demers ( Slides )
Session VI