Summer School on Additive Combinatorics, Number Theory and Ergodic Theory

This workshop is part of the Bernoulli Center programme at EPFL, to be held from 14 to 18 July 2025.

In the past few years, there has been significant progress related to several major open problems in additive combinatorics and number theory, such as quantitative aspects of Szemerédi’s theorem and its multidimensional and polynomial variants, the Möbius randomness conjectures of Chowla and Sarnak, and sumset conjectures of Erdős. The methods draw from several areas of mathematics and are thematically tied by the interplay between “structure” and “randomness”.


This week-long summer school will bring together graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to learn together about recent advances in additive combinatorics and number theory, highlighting their connections with dynamics, ergodic theory, and higher-order Fourier analysis.


To apply or learn more, please visit the summer school website.

Start date & time


End date & time



Ethan Ackelsberg
Florian K. Richter
Konstantinos Tsinas
Mengdi Wang