External Program 2: New developments and challenges in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

10 June – 16 August 2024

New developments and challenges in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations is a Bernoulli Center Program aiming to bring together researchers in stochastic analysis working on different topics and with different tools but under the common denominator of the study of SPDEs. As part of the meeting, there will be 3 workshops involving minicourses and research talks.

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/spde-bernoulli

The recordings of Workshop 1 are available here:

Jacob Bedrossian
Lorenzo Zambotti – Talk 1
Funaki Tadahisa
Lorenzo Zambotti – Talk 2

Mark Veraar
Nimit Rana

Alexei Mailybaev
Giuseppe Cannizzaro

Francesco Russo

Xue-Mei Li
Lucio Galeati

 The recordings of Workshop 2 are available here:

Monday 22 July 

Maurelli 1
Shen 1
Zygouras 1

Tuesday 23 July

Otto 1
Zygouras 2 
Otto 2

Wednesday 24 July

Shen 2
Otto 3
R.Zhu & T. Oh

Thursday 25 July

Shen 3
Maurelli 2
Cerrai & Peszat
X. Zhu

Friday 26 July

Maurelli 3
Zygouras 3

 The recordings of Workshop 3 are available here:

August 12th

Monday recording

August 13th

Fluctuating hydrodynamics
Benjamin Gess

August 14th

Singh Harprit
Hendrick Weber
Quantitative justification of the Dean-Kawasaki equation
Convergence to the sharp interface limit

August 15th

Benjamin Fehrman
Yvain Bruned
Stochastic Maximal function an function spaces

Start date & time


End date & time




Bernoulli Center

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