Postdoctoral workshop on “Foliations in Algebraic and Birational Geometry”

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on holomorphic foliations and birational geometry.
There will be two mini-courses on recent advances in foliation theory and research talks by leading experts in the fields.
For more information, consult the list of speakers and the schedule.

Dates and Venue:
September 5-9, 2022 at the Bernoulli Center for Fundamental Studies, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
The workshop is part of the events supported and hosted by the Bernoulli Center.

Fabio Bernasconi (EPFL), Stefano Filipazzi (EPFL), Calum Spicer (King’s College), Roberto Svaldi (EPFL/Milano Statale).
Feel free to contact us for additional informations or requests regarding the workshop.

More details here. 

Start date & time


End date & time

