Dynamical low-rank approximation: New horizons

We are glad to announce a workshop dedicated to the research field of dynamical low-rank approximation. The present event aims at establishing and strengthening communication across international and interdisciplinary boundaries, to connect applied and theoretical researchers, and to communicate newly developed methods as well as requirements that arise in applications from different areas. The workshop has been generously sponsored by the EPFL Bernoulli centre in collaboration with the EPFL ANCHP’s chair.


Speakers (in alphabetical order):

  • Hassem Babaee (University of Pittsburgh).
  • Federico Carollo (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen).
  • Sergey Dolgov (University of Bath).
  • Antonio Falco (Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera).
  • Nicola Guglielmi (Gran Sasso Science Institute).
  • Cory Hauck (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, University of Tennessee).
  • Jingwei Hu (University of Washington).
  • Yoshihito Kazashi (University of Strathclyde).
  • Othmar Koch (University of Vienna).
  • Julian Koellermeier (University of Groningen).
  • Christian Lubich (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen).
  • Fabio Nobile (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).
  • Anthony Nouy (Nantes Université).
  • Carmen Scalone (Università dell’Aquila).
  • Francesco Tudisco (Gran Sasso Science Institute).





Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday
08h45 – 09h00 Welcome
09h00 – 09h50 Christian Lubich Othmar Koch Anthony Nouy
09h50 – 10h20 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
10h20 – 11h10 Nicola Guglielmi Jiří Vaníček Antonio Falco
11h10 – 12h00 Hessam Babaee Sergey Dolgov Yaling Ke
12h00 – 14h00 Lunch Lunch Lunch
14h00 – 14h50 Jingwei Hu Federico Carollo Closing remarks
14h50 – 15h20 Coffee break Coffee break
15h20 – 16h10 Julian Koellermeier Fabio Nobile
16h10 – 17h00 Carmen Scalone Yoshihito Kazashi
17h00 – 17h30 Coffee break Coffee break
17h30 – 18h20 Stefan Schnake Francesco Tudisco
18h20 – 19h00 Ivan Oseledets
19h00 – 21h00 Conference Dinner

Start date & time


End date & time



Bernoulli Center


Gianluca Ceruti (EPFL)
Jonas Kusch (University of Innsbruck).


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